Creating A Positive Business Culture

5 Things Your Well Should Be Kept Away From

by Beatrice Lambert

Do you need to drill a well for your home or business? Because modern American property owners don't need to trek to the well itself to get their water, they may not give much thought to its placement. But your well needs to be kept apart from several key property elements. What are some of these? Here are the five most common.

1. Property Lines

Your well cannot come too close to the property line you share with another. This is known as a setback, and it's a mandatory buffer between neighbors. Setback requirements vary by jurisdiction, but they are fairly small for wells in comparison with the entire property. Unless you're on a small plot, this shouldn't impact you too much. 

2. Septic Systems

Few property owners would want to think about their drinking water and their septic system coming into contact with one another. Setbacks, or exclusion zones, between these two underground systems, are much larger than some other land features. These rules can be a bigger problem for owners given that septic tanks and drain fields are large on their own. 

3. Utilities

Avoiding utility lines and systems when building anything on your property is vital. You don't want to puncture an underground utility line during well construction. Nor do you want utility work to interfere with your well if repairs need to be made later. However, don't forget to look up so as to avoid power lines and other overhead utility components.

4. Tanks and Pump Controls

The well is only half of your water system. To get that water up from the ground and to your faucets, you need a pump. The pump itself is usually part of the well, but its controls can be placed elsewhere. In addition, there will be a holding tank to store water in for continuous pressure. Place both of these away from the well itself for better access during maintenance. 

5. Trees

Trees pose a problem both above and below ground. First, they may block the equipment needed to dig the well. Later, their massive roots are sometimes very strong, and they can damage well systems. Finally, thick canopies and low branches also block access to components of the well during construction and when repairs or maintenance are needed. 

Where to Learn More

What else should inform the placement of your new well? Find out by meeting with a well-drilling service in your area today. 
