If your business operates out of a rented building with aging plumbing, then you're probably no stranger to sewer clogs and backups. A sewer backup can force you to shut down and send everyone home for a day or more -- and nobody enjoys the unpleasant odor that lingers. While the best solution to ongoing clog and backup issues is usually to have the entire sewer line replaced, this is not always an immediate option, and it can take some time to convince the building owner to take action. Here are some ways to help protect your office's ailing sewer line and prevent backups in the meantime.
Provide trash bins in each stall.
Toilet paper dissolves quite easily in the sewer system. Even if it does get caught on something, it will soon dissolve and get rinsed away. The same cannot be said, however, for paper towels, feminine hygiene products, and personal wipes. If they get caught on tree roots or rough patches of a pipe, they can form a tough clog that can only be removed by a professional sewer cleaner.
You need to do as much as you can to prevent employees from flushing anything other than toilet paper and human waste down the toilets. Putting a little garbage can in each stall, along with a sign to put anything other than toilet paper in this can, will prove helpful. Make sure the cans have lids so that the contents don't offend anyone -- and have your cleaning staff empty them nightly.
Send out an email.
Bathroom issues may not be something you wish to discuss out loud at a staff meeting. But since this issue affects everyone, it's worth keeping your staff up-to-date. Do this via email. Send out a message explaining how sensitive the plumbing is and asking that employees treat the plumbing with "kid gloves." You can make specific requests -- like asking them to put feminine hygiene products in the garbage cans and to flush toilets twice. Make sure you send this email out to everyone so you can't be accused of singling out certain employees for their bathroom issues.
Keep track of plumbing issues.
Make sure that employees know to report any plumbing issues to you immediately. Keep track of these issues, along with the dates they occur, in a separate document. You can forward this document to the building owner to help plead your case that the plumbing needs replacement. It may also prove useful when the plumber comes to address problems.
For more information, contact companies like Sullivan Super Service.