Running a retail shop inside a mall by leasing one of the open spaces will bring lots of potential traffic, but you will also have a considerable amount of competition. Even if your store is the only one of its kind inside the mall, shoppers are likely to comparison shop before going somewhere to make a purchase. It is helpful to use sales to get people through the door and then you can focus on sealing the deal. An annual sale is when you want to put out the best discounts in hopes of attracting customers and making sales. Investing in digital printing services and prioritizing bold colors in your ads is just what you need.
Avoid Using Black and White
While you will be able to save money by making a design with black and white in mind, you will have a tough time achieving the same impact that you could with a colorful design. These neutral colors may also save you money on printing costs, but it is not worth the loss of potential customers. One option is to take the color scheme within your retail shop and use that in the annual sale advertisement design. You can also revolve the colors around the current season to give off a desirable but attractive look.
Make the Text Easy to Read
One of the main things that you will want to get with an annual sale ad is easily readable text. It is best to assume that not everyone has the best vision or is going to spend more than a few seconds looking through the advertisements that they find online, in a mall, or in their mailbox. So, you want the text to be clear and easy to read to maximize the chances that they decide to read further into the ad. You will find it beneficial to highlight details such as the dates, discount percentages, and product examples.
Add High-Quality Images of Merchandise
If you know some of the hot-ticket items that you are going to be selling based on the discount and the popularity of the item, you must make it a top priority to include these items in the ad. Sometimes what it takes is an easily recognizable product with a price attached to it that pulls people in. Using high-quality images will guarantee that the items do not show up blurry in even the biggest prints that you make.
Making use of printing services offered by companies like Pittsburgh Mailing Inc to improve your annual sale advertising is an excellent plan.