Food trucks and concession trailers face steep competition; it's estimated there are 3 million food trucks in the U.S. To make your concession trailer more enticing to customers, you may want to consider adding new equipment to your trailer. Here are just a few options to choose from to make your business stand out and draw in more hungry customers.
Dining Space
While the nature of concession carts is to provide mobile fast food, adding some dining space to the front and sides of your trailer can make your space more inviting. Consider investing in folding pub-height tables to provide a place for customers to stand and eat before they go back to work, and use one of these tables to place condiments and napkins for added convenience.
Condiment Systems
Instead of putting out bottles of ketchup, mustard and other condiments, purchase a condiment dispensing system. These devices let you pour the condiments into the dispenser so customers can pump out exactly what they need. This prevents people from dropping or walking away with your condiments, and it can also be a bit more hygienic. You or one of your staff members can clean the handles and spigots for the pumps throughout the day to keep them clean and tidy.
Give your customers a cool, shady place to stand as they order. If your trailer doesn't already have an awning, you can purchase one to add to the vehicle. Fabric awnings come in a variety of colors and styles, so you can choose one that matches your business logo and branding. You can also add patio-style umbrellas to your dining area to make your space even more inviting.
Disposable Food Trays
Because your customers will not be staying with you until they are done eating, you need to have a way to serve food beautifully without the use of china or flatware. Consider having paper trays with your business name and logo printed on the sides to create a more customized look for your foods. Hot dog trays and hamburger baskets can be used to serve a wide range of foods, from traditional burgers and dogs to bratwurst and chicken wings. You can also get creative with paper cups by serving potato chips, French fries and even small salads in them. Be sure that everything you serve your foods in is branded to help bring added visibility to your business.
There are lots of different ways you can customize your concession trailer. You can buy equipment, such as awnings, condiment stands and cooking equipment new, or you can purchase it used and have it inspected or repaired by a commercial cooking repair company. Don't be afraid to get creative and try new things to make your concession trailer stand out in a sea of food trucks.
For more information and options, talk with companies that supply concession trailer and food truck equipment, such as CS Techs Inc.